1. 本週上課內容 : a. 第四課生字 p.40~41。
b. 生字賓果遊戲。
c. 演講比賽初賽及練習新年遊藝會表演。
c. 演講比賽初賽及練習新年遊藝會表演。
2. 本週作業內容 : a. 作業本 p.61~72。
b. 錄音 : 第四課說故事: 西遊記之二--金箍棒。p.42~45
3. 11/27 不上課 。感恩假期愉快!
4. 北新中文學校免費提供中文會話練習,於每週日下午四點至五點,
4. 北新中文學校免費提供中文會話練習,於每週日下午四點至五點,
5. 12月4日下午 4:00~5:00 在餐廳有一堂做薑餅屋的課程,請事先報名,一人費用7 元,歡迎校內外的學生參加。
5. 12月4日下午 4:00~5:00 在餐廳有一堂做薑餅屋的課程,請事先報名,一人費用7 元,歡迎校內外的學生參加。
Dear parents,
1. This week we learned about : a. Lesson 4 p.40~41 .
b. Words bingo game.
c. Preliminary Speech and Practicing the song for New Year Assembly. Thanks for helping your child
practicing the speech and song. Everyone did a great job!
c. Preliminary Speech and Practicing the song for New Year Assembly. Thanks for helping your child
practicing the speech and song. Everyone did a great job!
2. Homework : a. Workbook p.61~ 72.
b. Recording assignment : Story 4. A Journey to the West - The Golden Rod p.42~45.
Please email me the recording file to my gmail account before Saturday, 12/3 midnight.
3. There's no school on November 27th.
4. NNJCACS provides free Chinese conversation class for everyone from 4 p.m.
to 5 p.m. on Sunday at Room 314.
5. There's a ginger bread house making craft class on December 4 from 4 to 5pm. You must register in advance, and the fee is $7 per child. All children are welcome to register, even if they do not attend the school.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.
Have a nice week and Happy Thanksgiving!
Have a nice week and Happy Thanksgiving!
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