1. 本週上課內容 : a. 端午節的源由習俗及學習單。
b. 生字賓果遊戲。
c. 形狀聯想練習。
d. 人事時地造句遊戲。
b. 生字賓果遊戲。
c. 形狀聯想練習。
d. 人事時地造句遊戲。
2. 本週作業內容 : a. 每天復習閱讀一課。
3. 下週日 5/28 不上課。
4. 請及早為下學期註冊,以享優惠。
5. 期末考日期為6月4日,考試範圍以第九和十課為主 ( 佔80% ) ,
Dear parents,
1. This week we learned about :
a. Dragon Boat Festival .
b. Words bingo game.
c. Shapes association.
d. Making sentences game.
a. Dragon Boat Festival .
b. Words bingo game.
c. Shapes association.
d. Making sentences game.
2. Homework :
a. The final exam is comprised of all lessons for the entire semester. Please review
a. The final exam is comprised of all lessons for the entire semester. Please review
every lesson during your preparations.
3. There's no class next Sunday 5/28.
4. Registration for next school year is now open and there's a discount for
early registration.
5. The final exam will be held on 6/4. 80% of the final exam will be from lesson 9 and 10 and the remaining 20% will be from lesson 1~8.
3. There's no class next Sunday 5/28.
4. Registration for next school year is now open and there's a discount for
early registration.
5. The final exam will be held on 6/4. 80% of the final exam will be from lesson 9 and 10 and the remaining 20% will be from lesson 1~8.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.
Have a nice week!